Making an impact in Angoon, Alaska with RPN
Rural Partners Network was launched in April 2022 to change the way the federal government works with and listens to rural people. RPN’s resounding efforts to bring federal, state, and local partners together to leverage combined resources are helping rural communities thrive. On June 27, local leaders and representatives from USDA and RPN visited Southeast Alaska to do just that.
Rural Alaska is a wild and abundant place, full of vibrant cultures and formidable wildlife. Indigenous peoples have been the stewards of this land, sea, and air since time immemorial.
The vast landscape of mountain ranges, waterways, and distance means people can’t just drive to the nearest large town to obtain essential services. Most villages are not connected to the road system. In fact, 86 percent of Alaska's communities cannot be reached by road; this means the movement of goods and people is not only difficult, but costly. For many communities, supplies must be transported by boat or airplane. To obtain advanced education, training, medical care, or other services, residents must travel by air to the nearest regional hub community like Fairbanks, Juneau, Bethel, or Anchorage.
Rural Alaska is where our underserved and persistent poverty communities are located, along with repeat disaster losses and significant climate change risks. Rural Alaska is also home to a large senior population and most of our aging infrastructure.
The Rural Partners Network is listening to local voices and supporting these rural communities as they work to build resilience, infrastructure, services, and economic opportunity.
Community Networks in Alaska
Recent News from Alaska
TCC receives $35 million broadband grant
$35 million grant allocated to TCC for rural broadband internet
Tanana Chiefs Conference Awarded $35 Million Grant to Bring Broadband to Rural Alaska Villages
Water hookups come to Akiachak, and residents are thrilled to be rid of honey buckets
Angoon teens learn what it’s like to be a guide in their own backyard
Rural Partners Network Contacts for Alaska
Colleen Dow
Deputy State Director -
Theresa Johnson
Statewide Senior Community Liaison