Rural Connections Blog

  • photo of training

    La Red de Socios Rurales apoya al pequeño comerciante de Guánica en el evento “Guánica Emprende”

    El 26 de abril de 2023 el Programa de Red de Socios Rurales de USDA (por sus siglas RPN en inglés) celebró el primer evento comunitario para la Red Comunitaria del Suroeste. Conjunto al Municipio de Guánica, el equipo de RPN convocó diversos recursos (tanto agencias federales como organizaciones sin fin de lucro) para brindar información valiosa a emprendedores y futuros emprendedores del Municipio. En adición varios pequeños comerciantes tuvieron la oportunidad de exponer y vender sus productos y servicios. 

    • Community Development
    • Education
    • Employment & Career Development
  • Laughlin Aerial View

    RPN works to rejuvenate Southern Clark County

    Southern Clark County Community Network is in Clark County, Nevada. The network is made up of three towns ranging in distances of 50 to 90 miles south of Hoover Dam. The towns of Searchlight, Cal-Nev-Ari, and Laughlin all have access to both the Lake Mead Recreational Area and the Avi Kwa Ame National Monument. The total population of the towns combined is approximately 8,530 residents, with Laughlin accounting for 8,000 residents alone. 

    • Community Development
    • Economic & Business Development
    • Infrastructure
  • Timber Removal

    RPN partners with San Miguel County to rebuild and mitigate disaster risk

    From April to June 2022, the County of San Miguel experienced the largest and most destructive wildfire in New Mexico’s history. In the aftermath of the Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak Fire, the removal of the trees became critical for both economic and public safety and had to be done quickly to harvest the wood for lumber and mitigate the risk of another wildfire spreading.

    • Community Development
    • Disaster Relief
    • Disaster Resilience
    • Utilities- Other
  • Wild horses released in Southern Nevada

    Rainbows, Silver Midnights, Desert Stars and Beautiful Landscapes: Meet the Southern Nevada Community Network

    The Southern Nevada Community Network is comprised of mountain ranges and flatland including Esmeralda and Nye counties that together cover 21,748 square miles. Esmeralda is one of the original nine counties in Nevada established in 1861, and is home to Montezuma Range, Clayton Valley, and Boundary Peak, the highest point in Nevada.

    • Community Development
    • Economic & Business Development
  • Image of the Central Mountain Region

    Get to know the Central Mountain Region Community Network

    La Región Montañosa Central es la cordillera más grande de Puerto Rico y se caracteriza por sus picos empinados, valles profundos y terreno accidentado. Las lluvias son abundantes, por lo que es una de las principales fuentes de agua. Esta región es el hogar de una variedad de especies de plantas y animales, incluidos bosques tropicales, arboledas de bambú y cascadas. Es un destino popular para los entusiastas de actividades al aire libre, con oportunidades para practicar senderismo, acampar, ciclismo de montaña y otras actividades. También hay varias reservas naturales y parques designados en el área, incluidas las Reservas Forestales Toro Negro.

    La Región Montañosa Central de Puerto Rico tiene una historia y cultura arraigada en la agricultura. Esta región tiene vegetación diversa y produce la mayor parte del café de la isla. La profunda conexión de su gente con la tierra y la naturaleza ha jugado un papel importante en la cultura e historia puertorriqueña: comida, música y tradiciones familiares. 

    (English) The Central Mountain Region is the largest mountain range in Puerto Rico and is characterized by steep peaks, deep valleys, and rugged terrain. Rainfall is abundant, making it one of the main sources of water. Home to a variety of plant and animal species, including tropical forests, bamboo groves, and waterfalls, it is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. There are ample opportunities for hiking, camping, mountain biking, and more. There are also several designated nature reserves and parks in the area, including the Toro Negro State Forest.

    • Community Development
    • Employment & Career Development